Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Love of a Father

This is a story I heard and it really touched me so I thought to write it up and share it with all of you.
This is a story about a boy named John and his father. John and his father lived in a small town.
John lost his mother at a very young age. His father took care of him and loved him a lot. But his father had lost one eye because of which he did not look good.
John was 5 yrs old and went to a school in the neighborhood. Once there was parent’s day in school and everyone was told to bring their parents. John was very excited about it. He had called his father to his school. When his friends saw his father they teased John, They told john that his father looked like the zombie from a horror movie. This did not go well with John. He felt ashamed of his dad. He thought that this thing may hamper his life ahead, people would tease him and no one would be friends with him. After this incident he did not call his father to any of his school functions, he would lie to his teachers and friends that his father is ill or he is out on a business trip. As he grew, he kept his father away from his social life.

Then John grew up and went to a college in another town. He never mentioned about his father to any of his friends or colleagues. John became very successful businessmen and stated living away from his hometown and his father. His father would always wonder about his only son and how much he loved him, he would tell his neighbors about him and about his childhood.

John then fell in love with a fellow colleague and got married, he did not call his father to his wedding as he was ashamed of him and so never told anyone about him. He did not tell his wife about his father. He did remember his father and would send him cards on Christmas and Father’s day but never told anyone about him.

Then John also became a father, his kids grew up and got married and got their children. Now John was also in his 60’s and his father was 85 by now.
One fine day John’s dad came to his house by the address that was there on the cards that John sent him. Dad ringed his son’s doorbell and his son opened the door. John was Shocked to see his dad after so many years. The memories that haunted him at his young age came in front of his eyes. He got angry at his dad that he came to his place without informing him, he was scared if anyone came to know if the ugly man on the door was his dad. He told his dad to go away and not to come there ever again. The 85 yr old went away without saying a word.

After his dad went away John felt very guilty of what he did. His dad had given him everything he ever wanted when he was young but now he hates his dad. He saw his dad after so many years still he did not even invite him in his house, he did not introduce him to his family, to his friends. He felt miserable and finally decided that he will meet his dad and bring him back to stay with his family.

Next week John took a leave from his work and told his family that he was going for a business trip and went to meet his father in his hometown. He came to his old house and started ringing the doorbell. He was ringing it again and again but there was no answer from within.
The neighbor saw him ringing the bell and asked him whom did he want. John told him that his old father lived here. The neighbors informed him that the old man had passed away 5 days ago and before dying he gave them a letter which was meant for his son. The son now took the letter and started reading it.

In the letter his dad wrote:

Dear John,
I am really sorry about the other day for coming to your house without informing you. I did not know that you will feel so bad about it but I was missing you. I have become really old and I wanted to see you and your family once before I die. I don’t know how much long I will live now so just wanted to see if my precious child is fine or not, I wanted to see him, I wanted to see his family.
Before I die I want to tell you one thing which I never told you before. When you were born you did not have one eye and I had given one of my eyes to you so that you can see the world more clearly. I did not want you to suffer so I made that sacrifice and did not want to tell u.
Now I am just counting my Final breaths I want to tell you that I am not sad anymore that I could not see your family because even though I did not see them my eye is seeing them through you and I am really happy about it.
Before I go I want to tell you John that I love you and always will. God bless you and your family.

Reading this John started crying uncontrollably. He realized how big mistake he had done and now he cannot do anything about it. How he wished he had given his father all the happiness that he deserved, all the love and affection that his father gave him when he was young. He hated his father because of his physical appearance and now he knew that he himself was responsible for it and now he can’t do anything about it.

Sometimes in life we all disagree with our parents. Somewhere we also feel that our parents do not give us freedom that we want, they don’t let us live our lives as we want but we should know that they do it because they love us, they care for us. So next time your parents tell you to do something you don’t like or something that you think restricts your freedom don’t think that they are doing it because they cannot sand your freedom, think that it is their love. Try to keep your parents as happy as possible because what they have done for you, no one ever will do it for you.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Being social

We all know that man is a social animal
But what is exactly being social?
Does it only mean just to stay in a society?
Does it only mean to stay together?
There are many different type of people on the face of this earth. Each person has his own habits, cultures, castes, religions etc etc.
These factors make a man behave the way he does, the way he meets people, the way he talks to people, the way he interacts with them.

If a person does not like to meet people or if he is very reserved, does he become anti-social?
Well people around this type of a person would definitely say that he is an anti-social person.
So does it mean that you have to say Hi or Hello to every one where you go no matter you know that person or not?
Just imagine such a situation where you are walking on the road and you are saying hi to each and every person you meet on the road, people may think you have gone crazy and need a psychiatrist.
No being social does not mean that you say hi and hello to each and every person you meet on the road even if you don’t know them but it surely means that you should at least do that with people you know. It does not take much time to say “Hi, How r u doing? How is everyone at home?” It hardly takes a minute or two. By doing this the person whom you just greeted would feel good and you surely will be in their good books.
The main question here is what would I get by doing this? Why is it important to do this? Why should I waste my precious time? Who cares if everything is ok at their end? These all are the questions that a person may ask if he feels that doing this does not matter.
But the fact is by doing this you are telling a person that you do care for them (though you may not) .It gives a positive impression on the person. You never know when you need help from someone. It may happen that you may need help and no one is giving it to you but this person whom you used to greet may really help you. You will really be surprised so as to why did that person help you? The answer is that you used to greet this person whenever you used to meet him and that had given him a positive impression about you and so he felt that if you need help he should give it to you. Greeting this person only took a minute of yours but the result was big. It costs you nothing to greet people but it can make a big difference.

Now it may so happen that there is a person whom you don’t like at all and don’t even want to talk to, should you still greet such a person?
As I said before you may never know when you need that person’s help. You should also greet a person whom you do not like. I am not saying that you should hang around with this person; I am just saying you should just greet him so that u don’t spoil relations with this person.
You must have heard a hindi proverb “Musibat padne par ghade ko bhi baap banana padta hai” its English translation is that: “If you are in trouble, you may even have to make a donkey your father” so what I mean to say is that even if you don’t like a person you should still keep good relations with him, he may help you if you need help.

So does that mean that you become a double faced person?
No doing this does not make you a double faced person. A double faced person is a person who praises you in front of other people and abuses you behind your back. This world is full of such people. But I am not telling you to praise that person or hanging out with him. I am just telling you to keep good relations with him that’s it.
Praising a person you don’t like on his face and abusing him behind his back is being double faced but keeping good relations with a person whom you don’t like without praising or abusing him is being social.
This was one such example at a very basic level of being social.

What if you are very reserved and don’t like to meet new people?
I have seen many such people who are very reserved and don’t like to meet new people. When they meet someone new they just do a simple Hi or hello and don’t do anything else and just keep quiet…that’s probably because they r too shy or don’t know how to start a conversations.
So what I suggest to such people is that it’s ok if they don’t like to meet but just for the sake of being social. . This does not make them double face but at least people won’t think they are “Snobs”

Well so that were some things I notice around me... So I conclude this note saying .. “Be Happy , Be Social”