Saturday, February 27, 2010

Life: from My point of view

LIFE: A word that we all use so much but really many of us don’t even know the meaning of it or let alone the purpose of it.

Well we all think it’s a thing that just passes by and we just have to go along with it whether we like it or not. Many of us also believe it’s a just a long road from birth to death that we have to cross someway or the other with all those stupid roadblocks in between. Some believe that it’s just a damn joke that God plays on us.

Well Life is a thing that has millions of definition coz all of us have a different life from others. All those things that I just said above are true from different perspectives of different people.

I believe life to be one amazing journey filled with happiness, sorrow, love, passion, friendship, spirituality and laughter. We have this life to do everything that we always want to. But as they say you can’t get everything you want. But that does not mean we should stop living our life. We can always follow the thing we like; all we need is a bit of patience and faith.

Some people really don’t understand this, when they don’t get something they don’t like they just end their lives and commit suicide. I mean how can you just end such a wonderful gift that has been given to you by the almighty. It just doesn’t seem right. You may have failures in your life but that doesn’t mean that you decide to end your life.

We all wonder why do we have failures and success? Why can’t there be just success? Life would have been a lot simpler without failures. Wouldn’t it be really wonderful if we got everything we always wanted?

On the contrary I believe failure is one of the most amazing parts of our lives. Now some of you may think I’m gone completely crazy. But I believe its only failure that leads you to success. Now you may ask me how is that possible. I know it sounds a bit weird or even a bit bizarre but every one of us have failed in something or the other in our lives. Some of you may say that we have never failed in any exams that we gave neither do we have any intentions of doing so. Yes I do agree that you may have not failed in any exams but I would like to ask you one thing, do u remember everything by just reading or studying once? Can u just give an exam by studying once and score the highest? When we study just once we fail to remember stuff, we need to understand it properly by reading it number of times so we can understand stuff properly and write our exams well. We learn from the mistakes done while studying and give our exams properly to get success, now doesn’t failure lead to success?

Its not just about exams you know, you need to implement this in your real life as well. Exams are just an example to show that it’s not bad if we fail, what is important is how we learn from those failures. It just makes us stronger in life and helps us to become a better person in life.

Some of us may feel that money today is the biggest factor that makes our lives hell. Because we don’t have money we are not happy and we can not do what we want to do. Yes I do agree with you that money is one of the factors but it’s not the only factor. Money is extremely important in life but that does not mean you just run after it and make your life a hell to live in. The problem here is not money but the greed. We all can earn sufficient money but we all want more. So it again comes back to the failure of earning more money. There are 2 solutions to this problem: the best solution of the two is try to be satisfied with what you have and try to keep patience and hard work so that you can slowly and surely earn good money . The other solution is that you try hard to earn that money giving in everything you have but then you surely can’t enjoy your life to the fullest. In this competitive world we need to be ahead of others but we should not miss out on enjoying our life. We should enjoy every moment in our lives, Enjoy your success and look up to your failures with respect to learn from it and convert it to success.

There are also some people who say we are sad because the girl or the guy we like does not like them in the same way. The new word for it today is called “Emotional Atyaachaar” .Yes this may be an issue that can cause a lot of heart breaks. So what could possibly be the solution to this failure in love? This is really a big problem because the cause is not physical but psychological. When there is a failure in love, the person just looses all his senses and feels like a real looser and sometimes takes drastic steps. Well in this case a person needs to think practically, he needs to shut all his emotional senses. If he/she likes that person so much then he/she should look ahead to see if the person they like is happy or not. If the other person is not happy then what is the use of your own happiness? You should move on with your life and find someone with whom you can be happy with and the other person also feels happy to be with you.

Life is too deep to explain, I have a lot of things to say on it,
This blog is just not enough to say all about it.
Life is a wonderful gift given by god to us Humans.
People say life is short, coz they can’t do whatever they want to but if you live life to the fullest u will surely agree with me that it is exuberant.
Do whatever you like in this life,
Have fun, laugh, and fight, make others laugh, fall in love, have heartache, work hard, earn big cash, make other happy, help others and do whatever you feel is right.